Thursday, October 22, 2009


Welcome to our new site! Here, we will be able to inform parents of important dates and information for all players and cheerleaders. Parents will also be able to leave comments and questions, and we will answer them as soon as we can. Be aware that comments that are posted to just bash coaches or players WILL NOT BE POSTED OR TOLERATED! We are doing this as a service to parents in order to make information availability more efficient, not to serve as a sounding board for complaints. Please make sure you leave your name in your comment so we know who to contact. If you don't we'll have no clue as to who you are.

While this season is already coming to a close, we will be keeping this site open all year to be able to inform parents of registration dates and news for next year. Keep checking back!!!

With that being said, parents are reminded that our annual banquet is scheduled for November 7, 2009, at Donegal Community Center. The banquet begins at 6 p.m. We look forward to a great evening!

Also, cheerleaders are reminded that the junior squad is to be at the field no later than 5:15. The senior squad no later than 6:20. Please make sure you have a rain poncho in your cheer bag!!!


Donegal Browns Football and Cheerleading Coaches

1 comment:

Zgrampy said...

Thanks to all(especially the food girls !) for the great bonfire.
Good Luck to the Coaches , Players and Cheerleaders !